New Mini Catalog & SAB Launch Day plus July Tutorial Bundle

Happy Friday, friends! As you know It's been a bit quiet here on Stampin' Peace with Mary Knabe. Andrea and Jon were married on Sunday and are now enjoying their Maui honeymoon. (I'll be posting a few wedding pics later today. I can't wait to see the professional photos in a few weeks.)

Tuesday and Wednesday, I was in Cincinnati helping Emily with packing and moving for her new apartment. I'll be going back on Saturday and Sunday as her dad and I will be helping her move the BIG stuff. I think I'm going to need a vacation soon!

Today, July 1st, we launch our July – December Mini Catalog and July – August Sale-A-Bration promotion. I'll be doing my New Catalog Walk Through via Facebook Live at 2pm ET on Stampin' Peace with Mary Knabe.

AND I've got my own ordering incentive to share. This holiday weekend, I'm giving away free hand stamped cards with every purchase. July 1st – 4th only, get 4 free cards when you order up to $49.99 in SU! products (before SH/tax). Get 7 free cards when you order $50 or more in SU! product (before SH/tax) AND choose a Sale-A-Bration product. 

It's also a great time to join my team. For just $99 plus tax, you get $125 of SU! product of your choice and a beautiful, exclusive planner. And it all ships FREE! Now that is a great deal.

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Click here to view and/or shop the July – December 2022 Mini Catalog.


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Click here to view and/or choose Sale-A-Bration products.

We have incentives for everyone – whether you SHOP, HOST, or JOIN.


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Click here to Join My Merry Stampers Team. We welcome everyone!

July Create With Us International Tutorial Bundle – ABIGAIL ROSE SUITE
Each month Create With Us International Tutorial Bundle Team comprised of demonstrators from around the world each submit a tutorial based on a suite or collection of products. All the tutorials are then put together in one PDF Tutorial Bundle.
  • Customers who place an order of $50 during the month will receive that month's tutorial bundle FREE via email.
  • OR customers may choose to purchase the tutorial bundle for $20 without placing a SU! order. Click here to purchase this month's tutorial bundle.
The photo is a Sneak Peek of a few of the 15 cards included in this month's tutorial.290816972_5199341283507093_2928334703407144833_n


I'm looking forward to "getting back in the swing of things" in my Stampin' Peace Studio after the 4th of July holiday with creative projects and stamping & paper crafting tips & techniques.

Enjoy your weekend and Happy Independence Day to everyone in the USA.

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