A Wedding & A Move

Wow…the last couple weeks have gone by in a flash. Between Andrea and Jon's wedding on the 26th and Emily's move to a new apartment this week, I can hardly keep my days straight. It's a bit of a weird feeling to see your adult children being independent and going through new phases of life. I'm excited, happy, proud, but also find it bittersweet as my life changes too. Andrea and Jon are currently honeymooning in Maui, and Emily is moving out of her UC apartment she was in for 3 years of graduate school. She'll be living in a different area of Cincinnati that I think she'll really enjoy and will start her first real Physical Therapy job on July 11th.  

Many of you have asked to see wedding pictures, so here are a few snapshots taken by friends and family. 

IMG_2747 2Bride & groom at wedding rehearsal

IMG_2738 2My girls – Emily, Maid of Honor and Andrea, Bride

IMG_0785Mom and daughters are ready to head to the venue after having hair and makeup done.

Andrea and her bridesmaids

IMG_0785I did a quick cutting and pinning to get Ben's suspenders fitting him. He got to wear cowboy boots just like his Uncle Jon, the groom.

IMG_3946The groom with his mother Cheryl and me – the favorite mother-in-law.  lol

IMG_5211I'm so happy to have Jon as my son-in-law.


"If you think I'm cute, wait til you see my Auntie."


The flower girl Charlie practiced "walk aisle" and throwing flowers so she was good and ready. She threw the fist full of flowers when she got to the very front of the aisle. 
IMG_1819 2

The big moment for father of the bride and bride. Yes, it sprinkled big drops as soon as they walked out and stopped once they reached the front of the aisle. We've been told that is good luck. The officiant, Jon's dad, called it being sprinkled with love.

FullSizeRender 2The bride and groom about to become Mr. and Mrs.

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Beautiful Emily – not sure who handed Emily the umbrella to hold over the bride, but fortunately, the rain ended as quickly as it started and it wasn't needed.

IMG_3961 2"You may kiss your bride."

IMG_5250I don't remember at all who took this picture. I think I was just so happy the ceremony went well and was looking forward to celebrating with everyone at the reception.

IMG_5236The cake was beautiful…
IMG_5236…Malley and Mila didn't attend the wedding but were represented on the back of the cake.
IMG_5236My big brother Tom from Virginia and little sister Joan from Westerville where I live.
IMG_5236When you introduce your brother from Virginia to a friend you met while living in Cincinnati but group up in Fairview Park, Ohio, just like you, only to discover they have a close mutual friend.
IMG_5236So happy to have Carrie and 2 of my 3 littles Griffin and Ben join us. Ainsley's softball team made it to the championship, so she and her dad Matt weren't able to come.


One of the highlights of the reception…Mike the Best Man had surgery for broken ankle/foot and was still restricted from putting any weight on it, so was in a boot and scooter. He and Emily, Maid of Honor came up with this plan for a memorable moment of being introduced to guests. It was so funny and got lots of applauds.IMG_2944

"You're My Person" was played for the first dance, and yes, Jon sang it to Andrea.

IMG_5388DWho doesn't love to sing and dance to the Back Street Boys???
IMG_5388DEven Carrie and I had to get in on it!!!


It took Glow Sticks to get these littles on the dance floor! What fun they were!

Moving pictures aren't quite as exciting as wedding photos, but here's a couple I snapped of Emily leaving her UC apartment. (I didn't think to take any of her new place.)

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IMG_7660 2

IMG_7657Emily thought we deserved a nice snack in between loads of packing and unpacking so made this for us in her new kitchen.


Thanks very much for letting me share a bit of my family life with you all. I love that I can be my own boss and have a flexible schedule as a Stampin' Up! Demonstrator so that I can be fully present for my family as needed.

Now, it's time for me to get back to a normal work schedule sharing creative inspiration and stamping and paper crafting tips and techniques. 

Have a great week, everybody!

21 thoughts on “A Wedding & A Move”

  1. Your dress for the wedding was beautiful and you rocked it…the hair style was so becoming for this event..it is fun looking back at the pictures of the day…you forget things until you see the pics

  2. You sharing all of this with us is wonderful! You were stunning. I can see your family is filled with love. God bless you.

  3. Beautiful occasion & pix – thanks for sharing. You have been busy lately but think of all the cherished memories you’ve made with family & friends through it all.

  4. Mary, you looked truly elegant at their wedding.God bless you and your family as continue on this life journey. Blessings from Maine! Marie

  5. Thank you for sharing…what a fun time…a day of hopes ad dreams and starting a new phase in life. God bless them as they start their new life together !

  6. What a beautiful wedding and a fun time for family and friends. The photos are beautiful, thanks for sharing. You looked radiant and beautiful. Loved your dress. God Bless.

  7. It’s always great to see your card creations, Mary, but just as great to take a bit of a dive into the personal side of your life! Gives us subscribers a chance to know you a bit more. Thanks for sharing…now back to sharing more of your beautiful card creations!

  8. Everything looks beautiful! I especially liked you and that blue dress. Thanks for sharing this special part of your life.
    Blessings to you and your family.

  9. Beautiful wedding, love the brides dress and you also looked beautiful and so was your dress
    Congratulations to the Bride and Groom.


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